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Focus on the "thirteen five" focus on promoting healthy and orderly development of LED industry

Views: 4     Author: kina     Publish Time: 2016-12-08      Origin: Site

November 15, 2016 afternoon, the thirteenth China International Forum on semiconductor lighting (SSLCHINA2016) at the Beijing International Convention Center held a grand opening ceremony. The conference focused on the pulse of development of the times and industrial development trend. With the theme of "Multi-Dimensional Development Opportunities of New Economy, New Dynamic LED Industry", the conference attracted experts and scholars from home and abroad, leaders of the industry, The active participation of government officials, common discussion on industrial development. National Development and Reform Commission Secretary of the Department of Environmental Protection Secretary Ren tree at the opening ceremony, and addressed the General Assembly. And share the lighting industry in China's energy-saving work, and the next work plan.
Ren Shuben pointed out that lighting in China is an important part of energy consumption, annual electricity consumption in the lighting around 13% of the country, and still maintain the upward trend. The Chinese government attaches great importance to energy-saving lighting work, since the second five-year macro-guidance through strengthening and improving policy standards, energy-saving products Huimin projects, energy-saving products such as government procurement measures to increase the promotion of efficient lighting products, and continuously promote China's lighting industry Green transformation effect is remarkable.
 First, is to speed up the elimination of incandescent
In 2011, China issued a roadmap for phase-out of incandescent lamps in China, proposing phased phasing out of incandescent lamps for general lighting. Up to now more than 60 watts of ordinary incandescent lighting has been completely eliminated. Incandescent lamp market share dropped to 5% or less.
Second, is to promote efficient lighting products
China to implement energy-saving products Huimin project, through financial subsidies to promote energy-saving lamps, LED lights, efficient lighting products 780 million to promote LED lighting products nearly 2 million to achieve annual savings of 32 billion kwh, carbon dioxide emissions 2400 Million tons.
 Third, is to develop semiconductor lighting industry rapid and healthy development
2013, China introduced the "semiconductor lighting energy-saving industrial planning", put forward the LED lighting energy-saving industries to 2015 development goals, tasks and measures. As of 2015, LED lighting products in the domestic market share, from 20% of industrial planning, up to now more than 30%, LED lighting industry output value of 450 billion by industry planning to 5600 billion, exceeding the industrial planning objectives. At present, China's semiconductor lighting market environment is gradually optimized, and gradually establish its own brand, in order to further develop into a semiconductor lighting industry power to lay a solid foundation.
Focus on promoting the following work:
First, strengthen the top-level design, research and development of thirteen five-LED lighting industry
Second, to promote the core technology, high-end product development and industrialization
Third, LED lighting enterprises to guide international capacity cooperation
Fourth, with the conditions of lighting enterprises, through overseas investment and infrastructure construction and other means, and actively explore foreign markets, driven domestic LED products and technology to go out
A new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial change are creating new historical opportunities, domestic and foreign development environment and conditions are undergoing profound changes, industrial development is also facing a new situation, semiconductor lighting and stand on a new starting point in history.

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