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The government strongly supports the LED industry development

Views: 4     Author: Kina     Publish Time: 2016-11-08      Origin: Site

"Qiushi" magazine published Premier Wen Jiabao important article, on China's scientific and technological development issues, July 16 issue of this year's 14th issue of "seeking" magazine, published in the
The CPC Central Committee Political Bureau Standing Committee, Premier Wen Jiabao important article: "a few issues on the work of science and technology."
The article points out that today's world is on the eve of the new scientific and technological revolution, the new technological revolution and industrial revolution are beginning to take shape. Some important areas of science and technology brewing with excitement
And will deepen our understanding of human beings and the nature of the universe, enhance people's scientific rationality, open up new space for the development of productive forces, and create
New social needs, a profound impact on human production, lifestyle, way of thinking, a fundamental change in the 21st century the face of human social development, gave birth to knowledge
Civilization is characterized by a new type of human civilization. The new scientific and technological revolution will rely on the process of human modernization and the strong demand of international competition, and will also develop with the new industry.
Increase close integration, promote each other to promote. The world will enter an era of innovation-intensive and the rapid development of new industries. For our country, this is a major challenge,
But also a rare opportunity.
The article stressed that science and technology is a powerful driving force for economic and social development. Our country to really strong up, stand in the world of the nation, must have a strong family
Technology, there are many high-level talent, which is the power of national development, where potential. Without the development of science and technology, there will be no development of China; the future of science and technology development
, Determines the future of China.
Second, relying on scientific and technological innovation to speed up the transformation of economic development; Third, to strengthen the basic research (1) to accurately grasp the scientific and technological development of the new situation;
And cutting-edge research; Fourth, to further deepen the reform of science and technology system; Fifth, improve the scientific quality of the whole nation.
National Science and Technology Planning heavy baked three big industry has a big thing
National "second Five-Year" technology planning heavy baked, desalination, new energy vehicles, energy saving and environmental protection three industries quite Aspect. 14 was informed that for the promotion of autonomy
Innovation capability has increased significantly, the key areas of key technologies to achieve a major breakthrough in the field, the Ministry of Science and Technology recently introduced the "National" second five "scientific and technological development plan"
Clearly the next five years, strategic emerging industries and other industries to support the focus.
From the "Planning" found that desalination, new energy vehicles, energy saving and environmental protection are the three major industries have set specific numerical targets, and reverse osmosis membranes, parts,
Vehicle integration technology and charging pile, LED equipment and MOCVD localization has become the three bright spots.
Energy-saving environmental protection: LED equipment and MOCVD localization
In recent years, China's semiconductor lighting market is developing rapidly, capital influx. According to industry sources, despite the current development of China's white light-emitting diode industry
Relatively fast, but the key equipment and materials rely heavily on imports, such as metal organic chemical vapor deposition, plasma etching machine and other high-tech equipment, the domestic
Production lines all rely on imports.
To this end, "planning" will be the semiconductor lighting as energy-saving environmental protection industry, the focus of technological development, the next five years, will focus on the development of LED preparation, light source system integration
, Devices and other key technologies to achieve large-scale MOCVD equipment and supporting the localization of key materials.
It is understood that some domestic enterprises, such as Denon has begun to test the water, such as MOCVD made.
"Planning" on the LED development goals for the statement: 2015 semiconductor lighting accounted for more than 30% of the domestic general lighting market share, the output value is expected to reach 500 billion yuan
, To promote China's semiconductor lighting industry into the world's top three.
In addition, the "Plan" also proposed to develop bio-industry and other bio-industry technology, high-speed trains, high-end marine engineering equipment and other high-end high-end equipment manufacturing industry
Technology, as well as advanced rare earth materials and other new materials industry technology.
"The next five years will significantly increase the intensity of R & D investment, enhance the original ability to innovate, so that China's national comprehensive innovation capacity from the current world rankings increased by 21
To the top 18, the contribution rate of scientific and technological progress and strive to reach 55%, the construction of innovative countries to make substantial progress. "Ministry of Science and Technology said.

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